zanim oni pokonają te 150 km to on będzie daleko ale gościu daje :d
Tylko patrzac na to jak jedzie Strasser nasuwa sie pytanie czy sa tutaj kontrole dopingowe. Bo jedzie tak, ze moglby jezdzic w zawodowym peletonie, gdzie sa ogromne pieniadze.
270 – Disqualification – Flagrant OffensesThe following are considered flagrant offenses and are grounds for immediate disqualification:1.Refusal to agree and abide by the contractual requirements necessary to participate in The Race.2.Use of illegal drugs or intake of alcohol of any kind by a Racer or Crew.3.Use of banned substances by a Racer. RAAM relies on the UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) Anti-Doping program which is based on the Prohibited Substances List of the WADA (World Anti-DopingAssociation). You are responsible for knowing and avoiding the use of these substances. Following isa link to the list: of a Racer to submit to drug testing when requested by Race Officials before, during or afterThe Race.
Christoph is on the way now for exactly three days and covered 2215km, which means, an average of 740km per day. On the last 150km in Kansas he had to handle very hard side winds, but with his timetrial bike from Specialized and his aerobars from Syntace he fighting against to he cross wind and he tries to be as aerodynamic as possible. If the wheather conditions will not get too heavy he and his team will reach the halfway point in the following night.
Informacja od Gosi Siudzińskiej, żony Remka:Remek dzwonił!!! Rozmawiałam z nim po 3 dobach braku kontaktu... jak miło było go usłyszeć Trząsł mu się głos rozmawiając ze mną.... ponieważ był ostro masowany przez Jacka Tutaj nie ma czasu na to by robić tylko jedną czynność w danej minucie . Mówił, że czuje w sobie duże pokłady siły ale - jak od samego początku - jedzie zgodnie z planem, by "się nie wyjechać". Mówił też, że ma najlepszą Ekipę na świecie Generalnie po prostu jest w sowim żywiole co było słychać i czuć!!! TAK TRZYMAĆ!!!!!Zdjęcie Remka wykonane z połowy RAAM 2014
Yes folks, Gerhard has Shermer’s Neck. For seven RAAM’s he’d been immune to this exquisite little inconvenience in which a rider loses the ability to hold up his or her head. But last year Gerhard had his first affliction and it eventually led to his DNF. In a pre-RAAM interview he described his 2013 experience, “It was two weeks before it was better. Nobody could tell me why. It does not hurt. The only thing that you can’t do is bring your head up. No pain. Nothing. Just no strength in the muscle. It is crazy. No impulse to the muscles. You can do nothing. You are lying down and you think ‘Oh it is better.’ But sit up and…”
Wywiad z Christophem STRASSEREM.( Sölden 07.2012)
Notable RidesSolo Single Speed | John Spurgeon | 2007 | 10.49 | 12:02:11 | 30422-Person Fixed | Gran Fondo Fixies | 2008 | 15.35 | 8:04:21 | 30144-Person Fixed | Adventures for the Cure | 2008 | 19.15 | 6:13:25 | 3014