First off let me thank Dupe and rdw440 for their notes/comments: they proved a large part of my final decision on how to dye the tent. Now the news: I have successfully dyed the eyesore (MSR Missing Link) to a beautifull brown. No damage appears to have been done to the nylon or to the silicon coating. The following are some notes about my method and notes from MSR.1) I did NOT use the hot bath/boil method of dying as I am sure that would have ruined the silicon on the tent (thanks Dupe). Instead, I just used some warm tap water and let it soak for more than the 30-60 minutes recommened from RIT Dyes. I soaked it for 2 hours. This bad boy went from questionable orange to a beautiful shade of brown that looks like the color of a tree trunk. Can you say stealth-camping? 2) MSR informed me that this experiment would void my warranty; yet they were extremely helpful and extremely interested in the posts here about their orange tent color being a questionable choice. They took notes about this website and said they would look into the issue of their tent colors for the future. 3) MSR informed me that if i did damage the tent silicon coating, then I could simply add it back onto the tent by applying silicon with a sponge. In the back of my mind I recall a post on Whiteblaze with the great suggestion of using Thompsons WaterSeal (deck) as a silicon replacement. I did not discuss this with MSR, but it was in the back of my mind as a possible choice if the silicon were ever compromised.4) It appears that the silicon was not compromised as it appears that maybe the silicon coating was only on the outside of the tent and on the floor of the tent on the inside/outside. I say this because the dye appeared to come in from the inside of the tent and work its way to the outside. The floor (red) never changed colors. All seam sealed white zippers remained white. All nylon chords remained black/red. Magically, the only thing that dyed for me was the ugly orange. 5) orange + green do indeed make brown!I carry this MSR Missing Link (3 lb large tarp like tent for 2 people) when I hike with my wife. We are preparing for a 6 month slack hike on the AT and are feeling much better about not having the biggest eye-sore (bulldog49 called it hideous) on the trail . Thank you for all your help.
Niezaimpregnowany ortalion też słabo puszcza wodę.
A jak mam wydać 45zł na impregnat do namiotu za 100zł, no to..
raczej nie latają wieczorami, w nocy po lesie,
"Po co się chować. " Żeby nie zostać okradzionym albo pobitym, bo żyjemy w Polsce
Jak piszesz wyraz "szwabów" czujesz się lepszy od nich? Pomaga to w czymś?
A wyrażanie niechęci do innych przez ortografie połączone tym bojowym brytyjskim plakatem - miałeś być srogi a jesteś śmieszny.
Kiedyś myślałem o takim (Kliknij, by pokazać/ukryć)I nazwa użytkownika też fajna
I tak od maskowania namiotu po stosunki międzynarodowe i uprzedzenia etniczne