Na koniec taka smutna informacja - ostatni z uczestników na trasie, Maksym Kozub (UA), po ponad 40 dniach jazdy miał wypadek z udziałem samochodu. Zdarzyło się to już na terenie Norwegii, więc mniej niż 300 km przed metą. Jest podobno w stanie ciężkim, pod respiratorem.
miał wypadek z udziałem samochodu.
Dear friends, thank all of you for concernment.Maksym is stable, conscious, he can speak (not too long time) and there are no injuries threatening life.It's still unknown, how much time treatment and recovery will require, but the doctors are doing everything necessary.It is likely that Maxim will be able soon to write more details by himself. Police has not reported details about the accident, but Maxim does not remember it.That's all known at the moment.
Dear friends,I have just had a call from the Tromso hospital.Briefly: Maxim has got a basal scull fracture. He needs a surgery that cannot be postponed and the price of which is EUR50,000. The hospital is ready to do it tomorrow in case the payment issue is resolved. It is impossible to take him to Ukraine by air, and highly undesirable to transport him by land.As for the insurance:1. The insurance provided by the race sponsors from Italy and covering sports affairs works only in case of death of the insured (the sponsors are currently trying to find out if there are any additional options).2. The travel insurance policy bought by Maxim expired on 2.09 (as he planned to finish the rate earlier).3. Police have not found the owner of the car who had hit Maxim and escaped. So it is hardly probable that the medical expenses may be covered by the driver's insurance (third-party liability?)Now we need ANY help:- in fund rising (with a possible repayment in case the insurance issues are resolved);- with any contacts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as our contacts with the Ukranian consulate in Norway led to no result.We also need a legal assistance in civil rights exercise and protection under similar circumstances.Euro account:5168 7572 9100 1057 Kononova ViktoriiaPRIVATBANK, 1D HRUSHEVSKOGO STR., KYIV, 01001, UKRAINESWIFT CODE/BIC: PBANUA2XCORRESPONDENT ACCOUNT: 400 8867004 01INTERMEDIARY BANK: Commerzbank AG Frankfurt am Main GermanySWIFT CODE/BIC: COBADEFFIBAN: UA453052990005168757291001057
To jest jakaś MASAKRA! ...nikt nic nie wie...kierowca odjechał, a na stronie "organizatora" od co najmniej 10 dni, od dnia zdarzenia, żadnej informacji na ten temat nie ma... za to masę filmików na "You.." promujących imprezę, na którą za (niemałe) wpisowe dostajesz czapeczkę, link do aplikacji i ślad trasy, którego nikt nie przejechał nawet autem...100%'centowa "makaroniarnia" 😕😯...Ci pseudo "orgowie" , to jacyś południowcy chyba... !!!
1. The insurance provided by the race sponsors from Italy and covering sports affairs works only in case of death of the insured (the sponsors are currently trying to find out if there are any additional options).
Ten Andrea zdaje się organizuje również obie wersje maratonu po Toskanii. Skoro ma takie podejście, to muszę przemyśleć swoje zamiary...
Czyli lepiej za wpisowe kupiś sobie ubezpieczenie i czapeczkę, olać wyścig i samemu turystycznie przejechać z punktu S do punktu N.
Swoją drogą podejście szpitala w Tromso bardzo smutne, z tego wynika, że jak nie będzie kasy to oni operacji, której wymaga natychmiast nie zrobią
Dear friendsI am aware that the absence of information about Maxym Kozub’s health condition and general state of affairs makes you concern.Currently I can tell you the following.1. The situation is put under personal control of the Embassador of Ukraine to Norway Mr. Viacheslav Yatsiuk.I can quote his words (for sake of briefness and exactness):"The Ukrainian Embassador to Norway has already established communication on this issue with all key Norwegian officials; he has also maintained constant contact with the hospital, from which we hope to get the official reply. In general we can assure that all necessary actions has been done for Maxym to get maximum of medical staff attention and to conduct unbiased investigation of this traffic incident. But we still have to continue to apply our joined efforts."2. Maxym’s health condition.He is under constant monitoring of the doctor in charge.For now all urgent surgeries to eliminate danger for his life has been conducted.One more surgery is required and now its terms and venue are being discussed. Probably it will be conducted in Ukraine if the issue of transportation to Ukraine will be solved.Maxym is conscious and cooperative. He breathes through oxygen mask, he is able to sit, talk for a while sometimes he goes online to express his gratitude and demonstrate that he is with us.3. Regarding the question about fundraising abroad (including Norway), I can tell that it probably be possible after official documents on this incident and bills from the hospital will be presented.Once again I can express my and Maxym’s eternal gratitude to everybody who is with us.You are unbelievable!